Professional Fees

There is no fixed scale of fees for barristers. Generally, fees are negotiated on a case-by-case basis with the instructing solicitor based on the following factors:

  • the complexity of the issue or subject matter;
  • the length and venue of any trial or hearing;
  • the amount or value of any claim or subject matter in issue provided; however, the level of fee should not be calculated solely on the basis of the value of the case or on a basis directly proportionate to the value of the case;
  • the time within which the work is or was required to be undertaken; and,
  • any other special feature of the case.
Barristers engaged in either criminal or civil legal aid work receive set fees from the State.
Often barristers and solicitors undertake cases on the understanding that the client will only be asked for fees if and when the case is successfully concluded. This approach, known as ‘no foal, no fee’, has played a significant part in bringing to court many highly publicised actions in which individuals of limited means have taken on powerful companies and institutions – and have often won. Frequently the hearing of such cases takes a protracted period of time during which the barrister or barristers involved have to give their full commitment (often with no guarantee of payment), even though this means that they must forego other work offered to them. (This section relating to professional fees is provided on the Law Library website here)

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